"The Evolulution of Hustle", Nipsey Hussle, Lauren London and the new Aroma of "Rap Mogul"

If you haven't heard the name, wave, music production portfolio or Hip Hop entrepreneurial tremors of Los Angeles California's own #NipseyHussle, now would be a great time to pay attention! With rising stock in the art of rap, the overarching culture and the highly coveted "Boss" position of real street Hip Hop, Nipsey Hussle is that "next one" approaching the throne. With new mergers with major brand alliances like Puma, GQ magazine, and a recent Grammy nomination, Hussle is on the cusp of creating a presence his brand and culture hasn't seen since the likes of Sean Combs, Jay-Z or flashy MMG conglomerate boss Rick Ross!
And with so many midweek wonders entering the current overarching entertainment context, what sets a guy like Nipsey Hussle apart? Well immediately and apparently all the essentials - authenticity, hustle, annual consistency and honestly some really stupid studio work and innovative marketing blueprinting to match!
Systematically adding to the flame is the seal of any true "boss up" male presence and true individual leadership pursuit. Her name, - Ms. Lauren London. Known around the block as the epic "New New" from the trap cushy southern film ATL, London brings her own "queenship" to the table, tastefully coloring Nipsey with that much needed strengthening glue of "celebrity partnership".
What's does that have to do with his personal work and general focus you say? Well, two words, Power and Position. While clearly emergent from vastly different backgrounds, their individual demographics plant a unique yet culturally "familiar" picture of friendship, mutual work ethic and coupled "drive". Look familiar? Cassie / Sean Combs, Sean Carter / #Beyoncé Knowles. #KimKardashian / Kanye West.. And who have they been? Staples and "boss" representatives of growing cultural expression, fashionable advancement, artistic excellence and wholistic accomplishment in all elements of the #culture and genre.

With greater Hip Hop culture morphing into more of a genre specific, "league" like professional orientation, Mr. Hussle and Ms. London are in a opportunistic position to truly capitalize on what they both have been working on consistently over the last 5/6 years of their individual careers. And while the ultimate diversity, speed and creative content of the current platform expand, the deeply intentional evolution of Hussle's current branding genius has a very attractive and immediate future on the horizon!
Nip we see the navigation, - Victory Lap was Bossi' and we're expecting big things from you and the "Ms."!! - Keep swinging for the fence boss man, titles are in your immediate peripheral!