What Happened To Trukfit : The Rise And Fall Of A Streetwear Brand
How many remember Trukfit? Created in 2012 by Lil Wayne and his manager Cortez Bryant at the height of the mixing of rap and skate...

How Fairfax Ave. Became The Hub Of Street Fashion | The Rise and Fall Of A Streetwear Brand
Los Angeles' famed Fairfax Ave. district today is known as the streetwear mecca of America, if not the world. It was home to some of the...

Is The Sneaker Industry Producing Too Many Collaborations?
Some think that sneaker collaborations have gone the way of movie reboots. Which is to say over used to the point of ridiculousness. In...

The History of Women in Hip Hop, Best Women Rappers of All Time.
Were Back, and what better way to make our grand return than a history of women in rap video? Women have played a huge role in the growth...